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It can be bewildering to find a freelance writer or editor, and it can be difficult to find upfront pricing. If you're in the "I have a lot of questions" stage in your search for a partner, please feel free to contact me and ask your questions—I'm happy to help you navigate the world of finding a writer or editor!


Here is my list of services along with my price ranges. If your project doesn't line up with what I've written here, or you want more information, please contact me and we can create our own package of services!

Manuscript Evaluation“Does this work?"

I analyze your manuscript by looking at plot, high-level structure and format, POV choice, pacing, tension, character arcs, and genre expectations. I read through the manuscript once and take notes after each chapter or sections. I write an editorial letter with my thoughts on viability, any high-level changes that the author can make, and recommend next steps, along with the chapter and section notes. This type of editing is done early in a project’s life, when line edits and other big changes aren’t necessary. It’s also the first step in a developmental edit. I charge between $500 and $1,000 for a typical manuscript evaluation. 


Developmental Edit“Make my story great!”

I analyze the manuscript from the act, scene, and sentence level, as well as the overall manuscript, providing feedback on plot, POV choice and consistency, pacing, character arc, genre expectations, tension, and formatting. It starts with a manuscript evaluation, then during a second full read I mark up the manuscript, noting both necessary and suggested changes. I don’t mark every change like in a line edit, but I do note items that the author can change themselves. I also analyze the manuscript’s structure and make recommendations to improve the flow and final form. This edit is done after the manuscript is complete and has gone through a few rounds of edits by the author. This can be combined with a substantive edit. I charge between $800 and $2,500 for a typical book-length developmental edit project. 


Copy/Line Edit“Make my words great!”

I recommend and make changes to ensure clean, clear, and tight writing while improving the flow of the manuscript. I make and recommend grammar, word, usage, spelling, and punctuation changes, and correct any formatting issues along the way. I fact-check when necessary. This line-by-line edit is done after the manuscript is complete and has either gone through a developmental edit or the author does not want any additional changes to scenes, acts, and structure. I charge between $700 and $2,000 for a typical book-length project, and less if it’s combined with a developmental edit.



Proofing"Make this perfect!


I go through your completed manuscript character by character to ensure that it's perfect and ready for formatting and publishing. I will combine proofing with copy/line editing if the manuscript is ready for it. For a stand-alone proofing project for a typical book-length project, I charge between $500 and $1,200. Combining proofing with either formatting or a copy/line edit is a much less expensive way to go than having those edits done separately, and it can save a lot time, too!


Formatting"Make this into a book!

I produce the final manuscript in digital and print form. For print, I work with the author to create the preferred trim size, which gives an accurate page count and size for the cover designer. For digital, I create versions for all major ebook retailers and devices. I don’t change or edit any content unless I see something flagrant. I charge between $200 and $500 for a typical formatting project, which includes free updates to your manuscript—you’ll be able to upload a revised copy of your manuscript to your preferred print or digital book retailer whenever you wish.


Other Editing Services“Make my writing shine!”

For proofreading and other writing and editing work, including short stories, essays, blog posts, and articles,  I charge $50/hour and will work with the author to customize a package of services, including critique, editing, and formatting. I can also help the author find the right place to submit their work.


Query Letters and Synopsis“Help me find an agent!”

I work with authors who want to find an agent for their novels, memoirs, biographies, children’s books, and other fiction and non-fiction manuscripts. I help authors understand how to query agents and editors and to create outstanding submission packages. I edit individual query letters or synopses for $50 and provide multiple rounds of feedback at no extra charge, and I charge $50/hour on strategy sessions, which can include phone calls, video sessions, or email conversations. I love to help authors land agents and get their books into the world!


Book Marketing“Help make my book a bestseller!”

I get your book the exposure it needs by optimizing your Amazon listing, including keywords, categories, and sales copy. I help you get editorial and customer reviews to make your book stand out. I work with you to create a great author profile, and I can help you design and roll out ads for  Amazon, Facebook, BookBub, and other platforms. I'll also help you design bonus and freebie material and email sequences to gain and retain readers and keep them coming back for more! I'll help you before, during, and after your book's launch! I customize packages for any or all of these services, and I can combine them with my editorial work.


Writing Coaching and Mentoring“I need (training, motivation, accountability, a partner)!”

I customize packages for authors who are looking to be traditionally published, indie published, or simply want to put pen to paper. I work with authors on any aspect of their writing careers, from first drafts to book launches. We can meet every week, every two weeks, or every month, by phone, video, or in person. I can provide critiques, writing craft development, training on software packages, and accountability. I help authors with whatever they need to start and maintain a successful and fun writing career. 


Corporate, Business, News, and Marketing Materials“So we have this project …”

I have an extensive background in learning and development, technology, human resources, and real estate.  I can provide instructional design support for learning and development solutions and materials. I also have deep experience in writing newspaper articles and columns. I charge $50/hour for corporate, business, news, and marketing writing and editing.



© 2025 by Dave Pasquantonio
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